Winter & Workout!

While most of you are dreaming of rains, I on other hand would love a breezy winter with misty mornings and lightly sunny afternoons. It is so much fun to workout in winter .. here are some tips to shed those extra pounds before next summer.

Frequent walks: Create a playlist full of your favorite upbeat songs, add them to your ipod or phone and listen while jogging. Don’t forget to download a pedometer to track your steps and don’t walk slowly. Walk at faster pace early in morning and in evening. Twice a day for 20minutes will help you loose up to 700 calories

Snacking: If you are dreaming of hot cup of tea with the pakoras (fritters) then you are doing it wrong. Snack on healthy and hearty dishes such as oats porridge, slightly toasted brown bread with cream cheese. You can also opt for carrots & cucumbers with hummus dip as snack.

Indoor activities: If you think its too cold outside, you can exercise indoors. Try Zumba* Fitness, every hour you can loose upto 800 calories. 200 jumps* or even cross trainer* for one hour is a perfect way to keep yourself fit.

Resting: Its important to rest well. All the activity is going to make you feel tired. Daily sleep of at least 7 hours will give you energy to go on throughout the day.

Keep yourself healthy & active this winter. Keep your weight in check and do measure your waist, stomach and thighs every week to see the difference after exercising. The loss of weight in healthy way is the biggest reward you can give to yourself.

Happy Winter everyone 🙂

*If you are suffering from any heart disease, kindly exercise as per doctor’s advice. Do not in any way over stress your body.


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